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Ämne: Speedad av cigarr? - Jajamänsan
Skrivet av: Martin Nilsson
Tid: 2006-09-19 13:18:43

Nja, placebo har väl en lite annorlunda betydelse, har jag för mig. I mitt fall är det snarare tvärtom, dvs jag upplever effekter som medicinskt/veteskapligt inte är vedertagna samt upplever inte eller endast i väldigt liten utsträckning effekter som borde vara paatagliga.


Ps. För mer info över placebo:
[< classical Latin plac{emac}b{omac} I shall be pleasing or acceptable, 1st singular future indicative of plac{emac}re to please (see PLACET int. and n.), in post-classical Latin used to denote the Office for the Dead (freq. c1220-c1503 in British sources), from the first word of the first antiphon of vespers in the Office for the Dead (Placebo Domino in regione vivorum, Psalm 114:9 (Vulgate)). Cf. Old French, Middle French, French placebo (13th cent. in sense 2 in phrases chanter placebo (also chanter a placebo, chanter de placebo: cf. to sing (a) placebo at sense 2), parler a placebo, etc.; late 14th cent. in sense 1; late 14th cent. or earlier in sense 3 in the allegorical name Nicole Placebo; now only in sense 4, which is not paralleled in French before 1954).] 

    1. R.C. Church. Vespers in the Office for the Dead. Cf. DIRGE n. 1. Now hist.
c1230 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) 15 Efter euensong anan ower placebo euch niht segge{edh} hwen {ygh}e beo{edh} eise. a1387 J. TREVISA tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) VII. 403 {Th}ey putte{th} non giblettes to {th}e houres of Goddes service, outake Placebo and Dirige for {th}e dede [L. præter vigilias pro defunctis]. ?c1430 (c1400) WYCLIF Eng. Wks. (1880) 57 Prelatis ben more bounden to {th}is prechynge..{th}an to seie matynes, masse, euen song, or placebo. 1476 in P. E. Jones Cal. Plea & Mem. Rolls London Guildhall (1961) VI. 101, I wol that there be songe solemply by note for my soule..placebo and dirige and masse of Requiem every day duryng the xxx daies next suying after my decesse. 1535 in Lancs. & Cheshire Wills (1857) II. 165 Schall synge and say placebo and dirige on nyght. 1559 D. LINDSAY Test. Papyngo 706 in Wks. (1931) I. 77 And we sall..about {ygh}our sepulture..deuotely saye..The auld Placebo bakwart. 1701 W. WATSON Clergy-man's Law xxxii. 254 Though the Tenure be in particular, as to sing a Mass, or a Placebo, or Dirige, yet saying the Prayers now authorized sufficeth. 1769 T. STAVELEY Romish Horseleech 199 It was not rare, for many Men..to appoint and take Order for..Obits, Requiems, Dirges, Placebo's, Trentals, [etc.] 1874 J. R. GREEN Short Hist. Eng. People v. §5. 248 He..earned a miserable livelihood..by singing placebos and diriges. 1995 A. D. BROWN Pop. Piety in Late Medieval Eng. i. 36 Candles were to be lit at placebo and dirige until vespers and compline were over.

    {dag}2. allusively. to sing (a) placebo: to play the sycophant or flatterer; to be servile. Similarly to play (with) placebo, to make placebo, to be at the school of placebo. Obs.
1340 Ayenbite 60 {Th}e uer{th}e zenne [sc. flattery] is {th}at huanne hi alle zinge{th} Placebo, {th}et is to zigge, ‘mi lhord zay{th} zo{th}; mi lhord de{th} wel’. c1390 CHAUCER Parson's Tale 617 Flatereres ben the deueles chapelleyns that syngen euere Placebo. ?c1450 tr. Bk. Knight of La Tour Landry 124 Who so louithe his frende, he shulde not flater hym..and not forto plaie with placebo [Fr. faire le placebo]. 1483 CAXTON tr. G. de la Tour-Landry Knyghte of Toure H v b, He ought..not flatere hym ne make the placebo. 1554 J. KNOX Godly Let. A viij b, Nowe they haue bene at the skoole of Placebo, and ther they haue lerned..to daunse as the deuill lyst to pype. 1583 in J. Cranstoun Satirical Poems Reformation (1891) I. 349 Plaing placebo into princes faces. 1607-8 BACON Speech Gen. Naturalization in Wks. (1879) I. 467 If any man shall think that I have sung a placebo, for mine own particular, I would have him know that I am not so unseen in the world. 1679 J. P. Let. to Friend in Country 3 Where every one would sing a Placebo to the rising Sun [the next Heir to the Crown].

    {dag}3. A flatterer, a sycophant, a parasite. Obs.
  Originally used allegorically as a proper name.
c1395 CHAUCER Merchant's Tale 1476 Ther fil a stryf bitwix his bretheren two; Of which that oon was cleped Placebo, Iustinus soothly called was that oother. c1475 (?a1430) LYDGATE tr. G. Deguileville Pilgrimage Life Man (Tiber.) 22417 Flateryng..Somme callen hir Placebo, ffor sche kan maken an Eccho, Answere euere ageyn the same. a1500 (1413) Poems from Pilgr. Soul (Egerton) in F. J. Furnivall Wks. T. Hoccleve (1897) III. p. lx, For who {th}at well be holpen at his nede, Ful sekere, Placebo mvst go before. a1572 J. KNOX Hist. Reformation in Wks. (1846) I. 37 The Bischop..having his placeboes and jackmen in the toun, buffatted the Freir, and called him Heretick. a1651 D. CALDERWOOD Hist. Kirk Scotl. (1843) II. 220 Placeboes and flatterers went to court. c1780 in M. Davies W. Hastings (1935) 373 His contemporaries..called him flatterer, liar, sycophant, placebo, snake in the grass.

    4. Med. A drug, medicine, therapy, etc., prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient of being given treatment than for any direct physiological effect; esp. one with no specific therapeutic effect on a patient's condition, but believed by the patient to be therapeutic (and sometimes therefore effective). Also: a substance with no therapeutic effect used as a control in testing new drugs, etc.; a blank sample in a test. Also fig. Cf. NOCEBO n.
1785 G. MOTHERBY New Med. Dict. (ed. 2) 7F/1, Placebo, a common place method or medicine. 1811 R. HOOPER Lexicon-medicum, Placebo,..an epithet given to any medicine adapted more to please than benefit the patient. 1823 SCOTT St. Ronan's Well II. vii. 165 There is nothing serious intended{em}a mere placebo{em}just a divertisement to cheer the spirits, and assist the effect of the waters. 1888 C. H. FAGGE & P. H. PYE-SMITH Princ. & Pract. Med. (ed. 2) I. 205 It is probably a mere placebo, but there is every reason to please as well as cure our patients. 1938 Ann. Internal Med. 11 1417 The second sort of placebo, the type which the doctor fancies to be an effective medicament but which later investigation proves to have been all along inert, is the banner under which a large part of the past history of medicine may be enrolled. 1950 Jrnl. Clin. Investig. 29 108/2 It is..customary to control drug experiments on various clinical syndromes with placebos especially when the data to be evaluated are chiefly subjective. 1954 Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 22 May 340/1 After use of the pills was stopped, the eruption quickly cleared... Later it was learned that the rash had developed while she was taking placebos. 1967 Brit. Jrnl. Psychiatry 113 999/2 Research with placebos..has very pointedly demonstrated the potency of non-pharmacological factors in a treatment which was essentially pharmacologically conceived. 1994 N.Y. Times 4 Mar. A18/3 A 60-week study..found no appreciable difference in the symptoms of AIDS patients who were given low-dose alpha interferon and those given a placebo.


    placebo effect n. the beneficial (or occasionally adverse) effect on health produced by a placebo that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo.
1950 Jrnl. Clin. Investig. 29 108/2 Not only the frequency but also the magnitude of ‘*placebo effects’ is impressive and deserves attention. 1977 Lancet 22 Jan. 190/2 The placebo effect of plasmapheresis must be considerable. 1991 G. GREER Change i. 17 In properly designed double-blind cross-over trials, the placebo effect is so great as to weaken or even to invalidate the claims made for the medication of choice.


    place{sm}boic adj. rare of the nature of a placebo.
1863 A. FLINT in Amer. Jrnl. Med. Sci. 46 21 To secure the moral effect of a remedy given specially for the disease, the patients were placed on the use of a placebo which consisted..of the tincture of quassia, very largely diluted. This was given regularly, and became well known..as the *placeboic remedy for rheumatism. 2003 Afr. News (Nexis) 25 Feb., Anyone who entertains the hope that our present category of leaders will ever grow up to discard their present placeboic, kid-glove and defeatist approach to pursuing matters should better wake up.

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ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Speedad av cigarr?20:52 den 18 september 2006Henrik G
      N Jodå, jag har kännt av det. n/t13:47 den 19 september 2006Jonke
      N Speedad av cigarr?08:01 den 19 september 2006Daniel P
      N Speedad av cigarr? - Jajamänsan09:35 den 19 september 2006Martin Nilsson
           N Speedad av cigarr? - Jajamänsan10:41 den 19 september 2006Daniel P
                N Speedad av cigarr? - Jajamänsan11:04 den 19 september 2006Martin Nilsson
                     N Speedad av cigarr? - Jajamänsan11:21 den 19 september 2006Daniel P
                          N Speedad av cigarr? - Jajamänsan11:32 den 19 september 2006Magnus
                               N Speedad av cigarr? - Jajamänsan11:50 den 19 september 2006Peter CCL H**********
                                    N Speedad av cigarr? - Jajamänsan12:34 den 19 september 2006Lars
                                         N Speedad av cigarr? - Jajamänsan13:23 den 19 september 2006Martin Nilsson
                          N Speedad av cigarr? - Jajamänsan13:18 den 19 september 2006Martin Nilsson
                               N Speedad av cigarr? - Jajamänsan21:03 den 21 september 2006LinusM
                                    N Eureka!!!07:48 den 22 september 2006Martin Nilsson