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Ämne: Atlantic
Skrivet av: Rabbe
Tid: 2005-06-18 14:10:43

Appropå Atlantic o tullproblem, här från Paul;

Sorry all Swedish orders are on hold, we are 
troubles with Swedish Customs.  Please be advised we
have to ship and label the package as cigars since
customs is destroying packages labeled differently. 
Please advise back that you accept this way of sending
your order, and I will go ahead and process it.  If
you choose to send without labeling the items cigars
we will not be responsible for items being destroyed. 
Also on any future orders there will be a $5 handling
fee due to the amount of paper work that has to be
filled out for international orders, I will void that
charge on this order since it came into affect after
you placed your order.

Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Atlantic18:40 den 16 juni 2005Eric Welin
      N Atlantic19:07 den 16 juni 2005Eric Welin
           N Atlantic14:10 den 18 juni 2005Rabbe
                N Atlantic14:23 den 18 juni 2005Michael Jansson
                     N Atlantic14:41 den 18 juni 2005Eric Welin