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Ämne: Smoke rings
Skrivet av: Kjell
Tid: 2006-02-17 09:07:41

Googlade lite och hittade det här på en sajt från Fuji. Det är piprökning som behandlas, men det finns beröringspunkter...

"Top Ten Stupid Hobbies you can do While Smoking"

By this, I do not mean taking your pipe out for dinner and a movie,
although that might be diverting and your pipes probably are
feeling a bit neglected lately. No, I mean that you probably
could find out when your pipe was actually made (within a
few years, at least). If you have Dunhill or Ashton pipes, this
task is made simpler (but not trivial) by the stamping on the
pipe. For Ashton pipes, just add 1980 to the number after "Made
in England." For Dunhills, whole books could be (and are being)
written to enable the enterprising to crack the code. Even if
you have no Dunhills or Ashtons, you can probably date your
pipes by doing a bit of research concerning the stamping, style,
materials used, etc. This may involve looking your brand up in books,
leafing through old pipe magazines, and doing other individual
research. Probably more fun, and rewarding, would be writing to
collectors. Use the OoOPS Directory, Pipes Digest, The Pipe
Smoker's Ephemeris, and alt.smokers.pipes newsgroup to identify
people who might be willing and able to help. Stop by the local
tobacconist when he or she is not busy, and take the pipe in
question with you. You might also try writing to the importer
or manufacturer, if they are still around. Most people in the pipe
business will be glad to assist courteous and polite inquiries of
this type, as will most collectors.
OK, this one may not be "stupid," but it could be fun, and it
certainly won't cost as much as a new Castello.

Just how deep is that bowl? How thick are the walls? How long
is the stem? With a ruler (or calipers, for the really anal-
retentive) you might actually discover some useful facts, like
how thick a bit can be before it feels uncomfortable in your
mouth. You see, by knowing your pipes, you know yourself!
What could be better than self revelation through pipe smoking?

If you have a postal scale lying around, why not see just how
heavy your pipes are? You can even pull that old Walter Raleigh
stunt and weigh your smoke. If you never heard the story, Raleigh
weighed the tobacco he put into his pipe, smoked the pipe, and
then weighed the ash. He posited that the difference was the
weight of the smoke! Such audacity need not be relegated to
the 17th century. Just weigh your filled pipe, and weigh the
ash and pipe when you are done smoking. A historical re-
enactment! You might even get a government grant for it!

Cleaning one pipe while smoking another may not be the most
fun in the world, but anything I can say to get you to keep your
pipes clean is my public duty. You'll thank me for it someday.
Why not see how many pipe cleaners you can use up while cleaning
a single pipe? Figure out whether your pipes get dirtier with
different kinds of tobacco, or whether they need different amounts
of cleaning depending on the time of day you smoke them. Don't
forget to clean the "gunk trap" in the mortise!

If you are like me, you lost track of how many pipes you have
sometime ago. So, start cataloging those babies. How many
do you have of each size, brand, shape, finish, color, stem type,
etc.? Which pipes have you not smoked in a while? This might
actually help you cull your collection, assuming you are the
type of person who would actually contemplate such a thing.
You might turn into one of those people who actually has a
catalog of your pipes on his or her computer. This will give you
a nice feeling of self-satisfaction, which is especially good
since the rest of us will resent you for being so organized.

You can practice for the real thing any time. Just see how
long you can keep your pipe going on a single light. Compete
against yourself and someday you might win a pipe-smoking
contest at a pipe show. You can even, like the Olympics, stage
your own personal exhibition sports such as "most smoke rings
blown from a single bowl of tobacco," or "most non-smoking
tasks performed while smoking." The possibilities are limited
only by your imagination and your supply of gold medals to award

Since I mentioned smoke rings, why not cultivate the ability
to create these Olympic symbols? Determine whether the
ability to create rings is dependent on the type of tobacco
smoked, or the pipe you are smoking. Try to make patterns
of rings, or concentric rings. Try to blow heart-shaped rings,
or rings resembling letters. Blow rings around objects in the
room. Try to photograph the rings as they enrobe your family
pets or loved ones in an ethereal azure frame. Smoke ring 
blowing is a time-honored art.
Sounds like another government grant proposal to me!

See just how thick you can get that legendary cake in your
pipes. See if it depends on the type of tobacco used. See if
it really does develop faster if you smear honey on the inside
of the pipe. 
As with most sports, there is a level that many of us are not 
prepared to attain, a barrier many of us are not prepared to
breech. Read further only if you are the stalwart type that IS
prepared to risk all to attain the ULTIMATE. The rest of us
weenies will look on in awe, admiration, and dread. What I
am about to suggest should not be attempted before first
consulting a physician. Don't try this at home, kids. This is 
only for those professional drivers on closed tracks that you 
read about on car ads...
See if your pipe really does crack if you don't ream out the cake.
OK, it's dangerous, but Man's thirst for knowledge must be slaked. 
Sacrifices must be made for the greater good.

Pipe smoking is conducive to meditation and contemplation. So,
next time you are smoking, contemplate your pipe. Study its
details. Be one with the pipe. An easy way to do this is to
focus on a particular aspect of the pipe, such as the number
of grain strands that can be identified on the bowl, or the
number of bird's-eyes that the pipe has. Be careful not to
do this while reclining in bed with a lit pipe, as counting
bird's-eyes may be as soporific as reading this.

Last month's BS contained helpful hints involving the use of
ash. Well, to say that you might actually use the ashes you
save for something useful is to defeat the very object of
ash collecting. See how much ash you can accumulate. Ash
is one of the certain by-products of smoking, and so you will
always be able to add to your collection at any time, and it
won't cost a cent. Soon, you'll find yourself lighting up just
to add to your ash collection. Perhaps the activity of adding
to your ash collection will take your mind off of the impulse
to acquire additional pipes, which are almost always more
expensive than ashes. On the other hand, whenever you feel 
the desire to add a pipe to your collection, your mind will reel 
at the prospect of all of those additional ashes it will produce.
How can you refuse the opportunity to enlarge your ash collection
so quickly and easily? Yes, yes, buy the pipe!!!

Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Smoke rings08:18 den 17 februari 2006Kjell
      N Smoke rings08:54 den 17 februari 2006Axel
           N Smoke rings09:07 den 17 februari 2006Kjell