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Ämne: Occidental reserve
Skrivet av: Tony
Tid: 2006-03-13 21:48:40

Occidental Reserve Conn  - (DOMINICAN REPUBLIC)     
A 1998 U.S. Connecticut shade wrapper adorns these sensational cigars from Hendrik Kelner, the man behind some of the world's most prestigious cigar brands. Named for his factory in the Dominican Republic, Occidental Reserve Conn cigars are blended with vintage Piloto Cubano, San Vicente, Indonesian and Olor tobaccos, plus a U.S. Connecticut binder. The smoke is smooth, mild, well-balanced and highly consistent in quality. One of the best alternative smoke cigar buys we carry, and very proud to offer.

Occidental Reserve Conn  - (DOMINICAN REPUBLIC)   
A 1998 U.S. Connecticut shade wrapper adorns these sensational cigars from Hendrik Kelner, the man behind some of the world's most prestigious cigar brands. Named for his factory in the Dominican Republic, Occidental Reserve Conn cigars are blended with vintage Piloto Cubano, San Vicente, Indonesian and Olor tobaccos, plus a U.S. Connecticut binder. The smoke is smooth, mild, well-balanced and highly consistent in quality. One of the best alternative smoke cigar buys we carry, and very proud to offer.


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ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Occidental reserve19:19 den 13 mars 2006Drogen
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                N Från CI!20:08 den 13 mars 2006COJ
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      N Alec Bradleys Site - behind the scenes20:11 den 13 mars 2006MattiasA
           N Alec Bradleys Site - behind the scenes20:48 den 13 mars 2006Drogen
      N Occidental reserve21:48 den 13 mars 2006Tony
           N Occidental reserve11:44 den 14 mars 2006Jörgen
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