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Ämne: Någon som shoppat på cigaraucitoneer
Skrivet av: ifbbpro
Tid: 2006-05-29 09:56:46

Yes I've been dealing there a lot the last couple of months. They do ship internationally. BUT they declare the contents of the package as tobacco. I have it shipped to a friend in the states who then re-ship it to me. However expect to have some issues with getting your credit card verified. In Denmark it's prohibited by law for the bank to deliver the info they want in order to accept your credit card. Don't know how it is in Sweden. I ended up using an American Express card which can be verified calling AMEX in the US by phone.

It's a nice way to get some cheap cigars. Sometimes you can get lucky and get some stuff really cheap. However I would much rather like to bid on www.cigarbid.com. They have a lot more items you can bid on than cigarauctioneer. Unfortunately they only ship within the United States. I have emailed them and asked if I could get an account if I had an american shipping address. So far I have not gotten any replies Too bad because they really have a lot of cigars up for bids.

Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Någon som shoppat på cigaraucitoneer14:29 den 26 maj 2006Henrik N
      N Någon som shoppat på cigaraucitoneer09:56 den 29 maj 2006ifbbpro