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Ämne: Problemet löst
Skrivet av: ifbbpro
Tid: 2006-07-26 10:10:39

I've bought some of those LE Cohiba Piramides 2001 not from Hans Winge but from My Own Blend. I shipped some to some heavy duty cigar smokers in the states and they had no complaints. I'm pretty sure that Hans got them from the same importer (Skandinavisk Tobakskompagni, I think they are the official importers of habanos here in Denmark).

Now that Hans is aware that the ones you bought where fakes I can't imagine that he still has them on the shelfes in the store. I'll be sure to check next time I go there which may be very soon. I'll remember to post an update.

Hela tråden

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                               N Problemet löst10:10 den 26 juli 2006ifbbpro