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Ämne: Davidoffs Cigarrbar 27/10 i Köpenhamn
Skrivet av: ifbbpro
Tid: 2006-10-25 14:21:36

Hejsan Harald. I will most definately be there. I think it's really cool to see some of you swedes at the Davidoff cigar bar every now and then. Just ask one working in the shop for Andrés. I usually sit in the couch area right next to the stairs.

I'll probably be there from opening hours unless something unexpected turns up at work.

See you friday.

Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Davidoffs Cigarrbar 27/10 i Köpenhamn12:42 den 25 oktober 2006Harald
      N Davidoffs Cigarrbar 27/10 i Köpenhamn14:21 den 25 oktober 2006ifbbpro