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Ämne: Mombacho
Skrivet av: EG
Tid: 2007-03-26 21:38:16

jag har rökt en Mombacho Thermonuclear belicoso. Det var en gåva (Tack Seven!). Den var relativt smakrik och en ok garre men på intet sätt så tuff som namnet får en att tro.

saxat från www.cigar-ettecity.com
In keeping with the connotation of power and strength, the Mombacho brand was created by Tabacalera Tropical, and named after one of the largest active volcanos in Nicaragua.

A full to extra full-bodied cigar, yet with a well-rounded, complex blend without the harsh undertones of other strong cigars. Mombacho utilizes authentic Corojo 1999, and authentic Criollo 1998 tobacco from the three growing regions of Nicaragua: Jalapa Valley, Condega, and Esteli.

It is a three ligero leaf cigar and is wrapped in a flavorful dark brown premium Habano leaf wrapper. The freshness on the palate derives from the signature Cuban Seed Corojo tobacco leaf. 


Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Mombacho17:20 den 15 november 2005Michael Jansson
      N Mombacho17:29 den 15 november 2005Micael
           N Mombacho18:03 den 15 november 2005Micael
                N Mombacho19:32 den 15 november 2005Michael Jansson
                     N Mombacho09:37 den 4 oktober 2006Michael Jansson
                          N Ursäkta att jag väcker liv i en så gammal tråd...20:19 den 26 mars 2007Pyro
      N Mombacho21:38 den 26 mars 2007EG