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Ämne: you can still smoke these places
Skrivet av: ifbbpro
Tid: 2007-08-24 10:56:40

Haha yeah after a nice meal there is nothing like firering up a good stogie. My ex girl friend had asthma so it was a bit tough to get her to like my smoking habits Fortunately she didn't bitch too much about it and some cigars she even liked the smell. But mostly I just smoked in my office at home.

My last girlfriend thought I looked cool and manly when smoking. Too bad that one din't work out becuase she didn't even mind kissing while I was smoking. But that's just one in a million. Never meat a girl since then that liked my cigar smoking

Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Även danmark11:19 den 15 augusti 2007nisse62
      N Även danmark11:30 den 15 augusti 2007Lars
           N Även danmark11:45 den 15 augusti 2007Lars
                N Även danmark11:47 den 15 augusti 2007Peter (Hällingsjö)
                     N Även danmark12:59 den 15 augusti 2007COJ
                          N Även danmark13:14 den 15 augusti 2007Peter (Hällingsjö)
                               N Även danmark13:25 den 15 augusti 2007COJ
                          N Charlie's Bar13:13 den 18 augusti 2007Magnus S
                N Danska rökare på krigsstigen12:11 den 17 augusti 2007bidevind
                     N you can still smoke these places10:07 den 21 augusti 2007ifbbpro
                          N you can still smoke these places13:01 den 21 augusti 2007bidevind
                               N you can still smoke these places15:33 den 23 augusti 2007iffbbpro
                                    N you can still smoke these places18:22 den 23 augusti 2007bidevind
                                         N you can still smoke these places10:56 den 24 augusti 2007ifbbpro
                                              N you can still smoke these places11:03 den 24 augusti 2007Lasse i VF
                                                   N you can still smoke these places12:49 den 27 augusti 2007ifbbpro
                                                        N you can still smoke these places12:53 den 27 augusti 2007bidevind