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Ämne: Montecristo Reserva
Skrivet av: lepatrik
Tid: 2007-11-08 10:30:12

Hitta en som testat:

It was one of two cigars officially introduced during the five-day event. The other was the Serie D No. 4 Reserva, a limited-production robusto made with slightly older tobacco than the original version. The Cubans say the tobacco is three years old, which doesn't sound much to me, but the cigar delivers more character than the normal Serie D. The Reservas come in beautiful black-lacquered boxes of 20. All the small humidor-like boxes are numbered, and only 5,000 were produced.

I preferred the Serie D No. 4 Reserva to the P No. 2, but both are outstanding smokes. The Reserva showed lovely aromas of honey, tea and tobacco, as well as a perfect draw. The wrapper appeared a bit rough, but about 10 minutes after lighting, the cigar delivered the earthy, decadent flavors of an excellent Partagas. In fact, it reminded me of Partagas Serie D No. 4s from the early 1990s, when the robusto was one of the best cigars made on the island, though almost impossible to find. I scored the Reserva 95 points.


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ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Montecristo Reserva06:58 den 8 november 2007lepatrik
      N Montecristo Reserva07:17 den 8 november 2007Ouch
           N Montecristo Reserva07:48 den 8 november 2007Gurra
                N Montecristo Reserva10:20 den 8 november 2007salberto
                     N Montecristo Reserva10:27 den 8 november 2007lepatrik
                          N Montecristo Reserva10:30 den 8 november 2007lepatrik
                          N Är det inte lite...12:04 den 8 november 2007COJ
                          N Montecristo Reserva12:25 den 8 november 2007salberto
                               N Montecristo Reserva13:47 den 8 november 2007Ouch