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Ämne: you can still smoke these places
Skrivet av: bidevind
Tid: 2007-08-21 13:01:04

Thank you for the info. I will put these places in my GPS for sure.

I have thrown the book about the best places to stay along the Swedish roads in the paper basket. I do not go there any more, at least not in winter time. We save up our money instead and drive as quickly as possible and as often we can afford it south to Denmark and further south into Europe where there are still places where you can smoke a cigar after dinner or have a cup of coffee and a cigarillo without being forced to go outside. That we will never do, only volontary when the climate and weather is favorable and there is a well kept patio outside. In Sweden I mostly stay at home nowadays.

Hela tråden

ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Även danmark11:19 den 15 augusti 2007nisse62
      N Även danmark11:30 den 15 augusti 2007Lars
           N Även danmark11:45 den 15 augusti 2007Lars
                N Även danmark11:47 den 15 augusti 2007Peter (Hällingsjö)
                     N Även danmark12:59 den 15 augusti 2007COJ
                          N Även danmark13:14 den 15 augusti 2007Peter (Hällingsjö)
                               N Även danmark13:25 den 15 augusti 2007COJ
                          N Charlie's Bar13:13 den 18 augusti 2007Magnus S
                N Danska rökare på krigsstigen12:11 den 17 augusti 2007bidevind
                     N you can still smoke these places10:07 den 21 augusti 2007ifbbpro
                          N you can still smoke these places13:01 den 21 augusti 2007bidevind
                               N you can still smoke these places15:33 den 23 augusti 2007iffbbpro
                                    N you can still smoke these places18:22 den 23 augusti 2007bidevind
                                         N you can still smoke these places10:56 den 24 augusti 2007ifbbpro
                                              N you can still smoke these places11:03 den 24 augusti 2007Lasse i VF
                                                   N you can still smoke these places12:49 den 27 augusti 2007ifbbpro
                                                        N you can still smoke these places12:53 den 27 augusti 2007bidevind