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Ämne: you can still smoke these places
Skrivet av: bidevind
Tid: 2007-08-23 18:22:51

My wife is a tolerant nonsmoker (perhaps becaus she can see whith here own eyes how good it has been for my health when I picked up the habit). When in Sweden during the cold season, we have discouvered after the smoking ban was enforced that it is great fun to make gourmé dinners yourself at your own home (and much cheeper), open a bottle of good wine, light a fire in the fire place and just enjoy the eveneing, the food and each others company. After dinner I light a small cigar (she usually don´t mind the smoke of a Zino Platinum XS ore a mild pipe tobacco). Eventually the tobacco smoke finds its way out through the chimny or I just open a couple of windows for a short while.

They have smoking bans in many countries, eaven in France, however I remember one eveneing when we stayed in a French castle (one of those hotels located in an old castle). After a fantastic dinner I asked for a glass of good calvados and if it was alright to light up a cigar. The owner elevated his sholders in a manner only a Frenshman can and said: Ah Monsieur, it is my Castle!

It was a very good calvados and a very good cigar.That is the way to go...

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ÄmneTidSkrivet av
N Även danmark11:19 den 15 augusti 2007nisse62
      N Även danmark11:30 den 15 augusti 2007Lars
           N Även danmark11:45 den 15 augusti 2007Lars
                N Även danmark11:47 den 15 augusti 2007Peter (Hällingsjö)
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                               N Även danmark13:25 den 15 augusti 2007COJ
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                          N you can still smoke these places13:01 den 21 augusti 2007bidevind
                               N you can still smoke these places15:33 den 23 augusti 2007iffbbpro
                                    N you can still smoke these places18:22 den 23 augusti 2007bidevind
                                         N you can still smoke these places10:56 den 24 augusti 2007ifbbpro
                                              N you can still smoke these places11:03 den 24 augusti 2007Lasse i VF
                                                   N you can still smoke these places12:49 den 27 augusti 2007ifbbpro
                                                        N you can still smoke these places12:53 den 27 augusti 2007bidevind